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The ReadME Project

Featured stories

Mahmoud Hashemi // Stripe

Intentional creation

Tap into creativity with the 4 Cs: Consume, critique, curate, create.

Cassidy Williams

Lift as you climb

Cassidy on creating content, building relationships, and how much you get by giving back.

Dr. Johanna Pirker

Twitch: A game changer for developers

Gaming technologies offer real benefits for virtual spaces.

Anthony Sottile

Learning by doing, from Python to Twitch

Drawn to the community aspect of open source, Anthony uses Twitch as a modern classroom.

Angie Jones // Applitools

Demystifying developer advocacy

A seasoned developer advocate's answers to the most common DevRel FAQs.

Stories by topic

The ReadME Project amplifies the voices of the developer community by telling stories about:

Community stories

Featured Article

Astronomy community shapes their own destiny with Astropy

Astronomy is a software based field, and the community is building their own open source tools.

Featured Article

Coding accessibility: How Della found her voice with open source AAC

When proprietary apps failed, Della’s brother built an app that incorporated her needs and feedback into the design.

Kyler Middleton

From fixing computers on farms to democratizing DevOps

Kyler discusses her path from rural tech repair jobs to revolutionizing tech education.


Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

How maximalism creeps into places where it doesn’t belong, finding mentors, following what energizes you, and the power of Ping Pong.

Featured Article

What hacking AOL taught a generation of programmers

The open source ethos behind rogue AOL add-ons.


Powering public goods

Exploring developer happiness through the vibrant Laravel community and the impact of digital public goods on open source, AI models, Wikipedia, and more.


(De)coding conventions

The evolution of TypeScript and the future of coding conventions, AI’s role in improving accessibility, and practical advice on encouraging non-code contributions.

Coding accessibility: Building autonomy with AI

After bringing Braille to the digital world and creating the first screen reader for the web, Dr. Asakawa is now working on an AI-enabled suitcase to help blind people navigate the world independently.

Anton Mirhorodchenko

Realizing potential with AI

Anton uses AI to write code and tackle more projects.

Aaron Gustafson

Advancing inclusion with progressive enhancement

Aaron’s journey towards progressive enhancement and inclusive design.

Annalu Waller

Champion accessibility to unleash untapped potential

Dr. Annalu Waller on the intricate, interdependent network of support that shapes our lives.

Ruth Ikegah

Putting the African open source community on the map

Ruth’s dream is to show people that Africans aren’t just consumers of open source: They’re creators as well.

Nick Penston // Fidelity Investments

Scaling standards and community in your organization

Learn how to implement open source community ideas to spread best practices.

Denys Lashchevskyi // Betsson

A beginner’s guide to running and managing custom CodeQL queries

Transform your code into a structured database that you can use to surface security vulnerabilities and discover new insights.

Mike Gifford // CivicActions

Treat accessibility issues as bugs, not feature requests

Follow Drupal’s lead: Prioritize and systematically squash accessibility bugs.

Niek Palm // Philips

Provisioning self-hosted GitHub Actions runners on demand

How Philips optimized their CI/CD process using GitHub Actions and self-hosted runners.

About The
ReadME Project

Coding is usually seen as a solitary activity, but it’s actually the world’s largest community effort led by open source maintainers, contributors, and teams. These unsung heroes put in long hours to build software, fix issues, field questions, and manage communities.

The ReadME Project is part of GitHub’s ongoing effort to amplify the voices of the developer community. It’s an evolving space to engage with the community and explore the stories, challenges, technology, and culture that surround the world of open source.

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